Monday, October 20, 2008

Lisa + Hayes

One of my favorite ring shots I've done yet!

They had guests writing recipes for a successful marriage and this was on which caught my eyes. What a hoot!

Some fun shots from the day before at the luncheon.

Aren't they just so cute together?!

What a wonderful couple! and such a great wedding. Talk about an "affair to remember"! Lisa and Hayes are so in love and it's easy to see. You might remember the e-session I had at a Starbucks with these two. From that day, I knew they would be a great couple to work with. Well, they finally were married on Oct. 4th. Here are some images to show you how the day went. Congrats you two!

Dr. Nimmich

Last week Dr. Mike Nimmich dropped in for a headshot which he needed for an alumni newsletter at MUSC. I love this shot! And he was so great to work with.

Mother & Daughter

Here's a great shot of a good friend of mine and her little girl. They were so much fun. Olivia even got to play dress up! I'll post some of those later.

Logan & Gracie

These kids are just adorable! I look forward to photographing them each year and seeing how much they have grown. Here are a few favs from Swan Lake last week.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Southeastern Laser & Aesthetics Center

If you want a great massage, BareMinerals Makeup or some hair removal, check out the beautiful girls are Southeastern Laser and Aesthetics Center. This girls are great to work with and offer some wonderful and relaxing services for making you feel great! Here's their latest ad for Sumter Living which I shot and designed for Southeastern Laser.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I told you so...

Told you that I've been having a bunch of maternity sessions lately. Here's yet another beautiful mom-to-be.

The Salaski Family

Yet another beautiful maternity session with an adorable 3 year old.

Anna-Beth & Emma-Kate

Yes! Finally I figured out how to make these images bigger on here. These two girls are such a blast to shoot. These are my favs from their annual photos for this year.